About Us


The Privacy Lab is led by Prof. Apu Kapadia in the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering at Indiana University. Our goal is to advance research in online privacy, with a current focus on privacy in the context of pervasive photography, wearables, and sensor-enabled devices (‘IoT’). For an overview of our research, see our Publications page.

We are located in Luddy Hall, #3028


Apu Kapadia’s research at Indiana University has been sponsored by many organizations:

Join Us

We are always looking for motivated students to join our research team. Feel free to contact Prof. Kapadia to inquire about possible positions.

PhD Program in CS

PhD Program in Security Informatics

Other security faculty @ IU

Contact Us

Apu Kapadia
Professor, Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering at Indiana University

Luddy Hall, Room 3028
(812) 856-1465
kapadia at indiana dot edu

Mailing address:
Apu Kapadia
700 N. Woodlawn Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47408