Apu Kapadia Keynote Talk at MSW '19

Apu Kapadia – Keynote Talk at MSW ’19

Apu Kapadia gave the keynote talk at the Midwest Security Workshop (2019) titled “For the People: (Human) Factors to Consider in Security and Privacy Research.”

Talk Abstract: In this talk, I will make a case for considering human factors in your research. Although not all of us may ‘need’ to run user studies, your research could benefit from a deeper understanding of what to build, what not to build, why to build it, and how people might benefit from your inventions. Many of you may be reticent to enter this space of ‘usable security’ – I hope to demystify some of the methods by weaving in a narrative of my explorations on privacy in the context of wearable cameras. It is my hope this talk will inspire some of you to factor in the human because, in the end, we are securing systems for the people, attacked by the people.