Four Papers at CHI 2015

Four Papers at CHI 2015

The IU Privacy Lab led by PI Apu Kapadia has four papers accepted at CHI 2015! The first paper titled Privacy Concerns and Behaviors of People with Visual Impairments is a qualitative study that reports on interviews with 14 visually impaired people and suggests new directions for improving the privacy of the visually impaired using wearable technologies. The second paper titled Crowdsourced Exploration of Security Configurations explores the use of crowdsourcing to efficiently determine restricted sets of permissions that can strike reasonable tradeoffs between privacy and usability for smartphone apps.

The third paper (Note) titled Sensitive Lifelogs: A Privacy Analysis of Photos from Wearable Cameras is a followup study to our UbiComp 2014 paper titled Privacy Behaviors of Lifeloggers using Wearable Cameras. For this Note we analyzed the photos collected in our lifelogging study, seeking to understand what makes a photo private and what we can learn about privacy in this new and very different context where photos are captured automatically by one’s wearable camera. The fourth paper (Note) titled Interrupt Now or Inform Later?: Comparing Immediate and Delayed Privacy Feedback follows up on our CHI 2014 paper titled Reflection or Action?: How Feedback and Control Affect Location Sharing Decisions. This Note explored the effect of providing immediate vs. delayed privacy feedback (e.g., for location accesses). We found that the sense of privacy violation was heightened when feedback was immediate, but not actionable, and has implications on how and when privacy feedback should be provided.